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Funny Sayings For Ex-Mormon T-Shirts

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If you are proud to have left the Mormon faith, then there may be times that you want to advertise your status as an ex-Mormon with a t-shirt. There are some pre-printed ex-Mormon t-shirts out there, but designing your own is also fun. You do, however, need to come up with a funny saying to put on the shirt. Here are a few ideas.

Bye Bye, Nephi

Nephi is often held up as the example of someone who was true to the faith. Once you leave the Mormon church, you may come to see striving for Nephi-like perfection as unhealthy and even damaging in some ways. So, the phrase "Bye Bye, Nephi" reflects this in a lighthearted, silly way. You're not just saying goodbye to Nephi, but to the part of you that believed that perfection was really necessary.

Silly, Joseph. Plates Are for Dinner!

Mormonism began when Joseph Smith apparently translated the words on ancient gold plates. Except ex-Mormons feel like he made it all up. The phrase "Silly, Joseph. Plates are for dinner!" pokes fun at Joseph Smith and his so-called translation without saying anything too mean about him or those who still follow him. Pair this with a picture of a dinner plate loaded with your favorite foods, and you're golden.

Now, I Bear My Testimony About Coffee.

The idea of having to get up in church and bear your testimony one more time may make you queasy. But have you tried coffee yet? It's one of the things that many people add to their diet once they leave the church. Surely, you can bear your testimony that coffee is delicious, great for waking up, and not at all evil as most Mormons believe. "Now, I bear my testimony about coffee," is a t-shirt phrase that's sure to get some giggles from other ex-Mormons who now sip the hot stuff.

Meh. One Wife Is Good Enough for Me.

The LDS church has not practiced polygamy for many years, but many of its early leaders did. That's still one of the biggest criticisms of the church and a reason why some ex-Mormons leave. A t-shirt that says "Meh. One wife is good enough for me" pokes fun at the church's history of polygamy without being outright mean or rude. 

These are just a few suggestions of fun, ex-Mormon phrases to have printed on t-shirts. You're sure to get a few smiles when you wear one of these. Learn more by contacting companies like X-Mormon Drinking Team.
